1) Remember that the world has always sucked; it's also always been beautiful.
2) Remember to follow your heart, follow your muse, be smart but not
3) Remember that goal-related activities come first, but it's ok to relax
sometimes; it's ok to need to be alone sometimes.
4) Remember to leave the past in the past after you've learned from
5) Remember to fix yourself; help other people humbly.
6) Remember to keep in touch with loved ones, near and far; don't burden
others, but don't refuse help just for pride.
7) Remember that it's okay to get and look older.
8) Remember to maintain your health but not obsess; eat quality, splurge
9) Remember to maintain your intellect but don't feel like you have to know
10) Remember to keep your own score and use outside rating systems only in
practice, never in heart; change your internal rating system with careful consideration.