Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Changing POV

Wow, it has been over a month since I started this MS. I've now gotten to a point where I realize first person isn't going to work for this MS. Though I really wanted to give first person a try since I've read some fabulous books written that way, ultimately this story is developing into a plot where the MC may not be present or conscious during events that would be better shown on camera. Therefore, third person multiple seems the way to go.


  1. Aah, good for you for figuring that out about your ms. I'm struggling with the whole POV thing for one of mine and every time I think I'm sure, I bounce over to the other side. It's nice to be sure!

    1. Thanks :) Ohhhh yes, I hate those times of going back and forth on something big like POV! Good luck figuring it out for yours!

      And thanks for stopping by and commenting. :)

  2. I used to write everything in third. Now I've gotten used to writing in first. Does depend on the project, but I think I'm more likely to choose first over third if I have a choice.

    1. Hi Audrey :) That's cool that you are finding that first works for you. Can't wait to read something of yours at some point!

  3. Just figured that too for my new MS. Also, I'm done with my outlining and about to start writing tomorrow... and though your posts labelled "MS" are a bit old, I totally relate with all of them!

    1. Glad you enjoyed reading them :) I'm still working at honing my writing craft, I guess I just haven't thought of anything worth blogging about in a while haha
